So Jacob was left alone, and a man
wrestled with him till daybreak.—Genesis 32:24 NIV
“Bless me, Lord,” we cry. Then, when
we discover that our blessing includes a struggle, we complain. We don’t move
into our promised land because of the giants to be faced. We back off, and let
go right before His bounty flows. Unlike Jacob, we don’t wrestle until dawn to
be blessed.
A blessing is worth nothing without
our obedience and sacrifice. If blessings and promises were readily bestowed
with no need on our part to spiritually grow, then they would have little
meaning. There would be no need for hope or encouragement. There would be no
need for perseverance and commitment—no need to grow in the virtues that foster
love and joy and peace and kindness and faithfulness and gentleness and
self-control. Without the struggles of life, we have no need to be blessed.
Jacob wrestled with God until
daybreak seeking His blessing. When Jacob asked God to bless him, he asked for all
that blessing entailed. He knew that what God had to offer was worth whatever
came with that promise. “I will not let go until you bless me,” Jacob declared.
And with God’s promise came the pain. God wounded Jacob, just as His Son one
day would be wounded for him.
Do you hang on for your promise by
loving Him and serving Him no matter what your battle? He gave His life for you. Are you not willing
to die a little for Him? You can’t know His joy without knowing His suffering. Hang
on for your blessing! Let perseverance finish its work so that you will be
mature and not lacking in what you need to stand strong. Don't give up! Seek to
know Him. Seek His purpose. Seek His heart. When you have done His will, you
will receive what He has promised. And like Jacob, you also will hear, “You
have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome” (Genesis
32:28 NIV).
©2017 Lynn Lacher
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