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Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
—Luke 6:38 NIV

You have only one life. Make the most of it while you are able. The day will come when it is too late to do anything about what you have needed to do. Life on earth ends far too soon. Nothing will bring the opportunity again. Do you hide from chances that come because you are afraid nothing will ever be different—that it will cost too much or hurt too much? When you surrender your life to His purpose and love, all things are possible in His power. Even the most difficult thing becomes easier when offered with His love. Nothing is impossible with Jesus Christ. Have you learned the value of His loving sacrifice for you? When you sacrifice your heart for the sake of another person’s wound, you receive a great reward: His heart beating within your own—empowering, guiding, and healing your own wound.

Who do you have an opportunity to love with His love, and you have hesitated? Is it someone who has hurt you or offended you? You can't love with His love if you can't forgive. Perhaps you don't even call it unforgiveness. Perhaps you call it hurt or rejection. If it eats you up, you haven't forgiven. If it robs you of job, you have walled up your heart. Your pain has become your focus instead of your God. It is only in Him that you experience perfect peace. Choose to let it go, and allow God to heal your heart. Give the gift of forgiveness. It will return to you in full.

Nothing is too difficult in Him. Seek His heart and His mind. When you seek His truth and surrender your will, the hardness of your hurting heart will dissolve into pliable flesh in His hands. The root of your bitterness will be exposed for His healing. What is your wound that hurts so deeply? Allow Him to expose your wound so He can heal it. In your weakness, give it to Him. And He will move for you. He will stretch you. An opportunity will come in the midst of your turmoil to reach beyond the very thing that consumes your heart. Life is only a vapor, and His Spirit is so willing. In surrender and in the giving yourself away, you will receive more than you ever thought possible—His healing, His joy, and His freedom.

©2017 Lynn Lacher

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