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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blessed Beyond Measure

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit” (Jeremiah 17:7-8, NIV).

If I trust in the Lord and have confidence in Him I will be blessed and favored by Him. I will receive all of the Lord's strength for whatever comes against me. I will stand strong against the enemy's attempt to destroy my faith. Like the roots of a a tree seek water for life, my soul, mind, and spirit shall seek His living water. They will persevere through whatever tries to impede their progress until living water is found. Once discovered this water, His Word, will feed my soul with all I need to withstand the onslaught of life. My roots in His Truth shall anchor me strongly, and I shall live safely and securely in His presence. His perfect love will cast out any fear. I shall be like a tree planted by water that continually receives water for nourishment. Faith will secure me, and no circumstance shall create fear. I will continually draw from His living water, and thrive in His Truth. No matter what may come against me, my life will remain supple with pliable with His purpose. No worry will grow where faith has taken root. I will store His living water in my roots so in times of drought, I shall draw from their truth. He will remain in me as I remain in Him. As long as I continue to seek His living water, my life will bear His fruit. My life, filled with peace, will live His grace, mercy, and love. 

This is my perfect dream! To achieve this kind of faith.... a faith that withstands all that comes against it.... a faith which fear cannot destroy! I wish to live such a life that continually speaks His peace, remains calm in all seasons, offers hope to others, and lives His love. The truth is this kind of faith is absolutely possible. But I must do my part. I choose to place my trust and confidence in Him. I choose to seek Him. I choose to put down deep roots in His Word. I choose to apply it to my life. I choose Him over anything else. Then I shall understand that He chose me long before I chose Him. Into every fiber of my being, I will draw His love which sets me free. I will be strong because He is strong. No weapon that comes against me will uproot His faith in my life. I will be blessed beyond measure.

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