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Sunday, April 20, 2014

You Cover Me

I wake up rejoicing today. It is Easter, and I am free because of your sacrifice for me. You rose from the grave so I might walk in newness of life. I am reminded of this once more as I remember Myra's face as she sang “Cover Me” last night. This morning you come once more into my heart and make me your own.

You are my place of safe retreat. You are my refuge from my own self. I can retreat from others into myself, but I can never hide from myself–from my own failures, my fears, my sins, my weaknesses, and my own limitations. I find that within myself there is no relief. Thank you, Lord, that I can never hide from you. In these early Easter hours I discover again that you are my sanctuary. You cover me with the gift of your precious blood until I forget my limitations, and my failures....until I am only aware of your love and forgiveness. You cover me until my own sins are washed away and remembered no more. You cover me until relief from my failure begins to fill my heart. You cover me until fear fades from memory. You cover me with your love and hide me from myself until the relief of your grace brings freedom and joy.

You are my joy. You have saved me from myself. You have covered me with the love of your sacrifice, and, if I allow it, you will always cover me. I am free of who I have been, and free to be new in you alone, because you cover me.

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