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Friday, April 25, 2014

Let Joy Shine

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good  works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16, KJV).

Let my light shine. Let nothing dull its luster. Let no hardship in life, or fear, or problem, or trial reduce its brilliance. The light of Christ in my life can't be hidden. It must shine. This light is His joy. It should be constant in all circumstances, because He is my rock and my fortress. Nothing can destroy my confidence and trust in His abiding love. I can praise Him in all circumstances because this is His will. My sacrifice of praise reveals my faith in His love no matter what comes. Praise rises up to defeat the enemy's attempt to destroy my faith. I will praise Him no matter what, because I trust Him. Trust and faith bring His joy in unending supply. His joy is an artesian well of living water that never ends–springing up to always conquer. If I abide in Him, remain in Him, live in Him, His joy shall always rise! His promise is that others shall see His joy in me, and they, too, shall give glory to God. This is my desire–no matter what life brings, whether good or bad, for His joy to shine consistently in my life, and for it ultimately to glorify the Savior who gave all for me.

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