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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Come Near for Completion

“Come near to God and he will come near to you” (James 4:8a, NIV).

This is an incredible promise! But it is more than that. It is a requirement to live a spiritual life in Him. I must seek Him before I am even aware of His presence. In every moment or problem or trial or circumstance I must immediately and unconsciously turn to Him. It can be praise or it can the silent cry of a tired heart. He hears all.

Nothing is needed but that silent cry. There is no need for me to say anything. There is no need for me to plead desperately. There is no need to make vain promises for Him to hear. He is there always listening to the cry of my heart. If I draw close to Him, He always comes near to me. Help comes in answer to my heart's need. But it is not only help that comes, but the sweet joy of His presence.

Drawing near to God makes me more aware of His perfection and my lack of it. When I open myself to His presence, I invite His character into my life. As He comes nearer His presence shines the light of His holiness into every area of my life, and reveals what is wrong and what is right–not only in action but in thought and desire. My heart breaks to know how I have disappointed Him. To remain in the sweetness of His presence, I seek His forgiveness, and it is immediate. My heart rejoices in its freedom with Him. He then reveals things in my life that bring Him pleasure, and I am in awe of His passion for me. Drawing near to God means I am refined by His beauty.

If I draw close to Him, I am encompassed by all that He is–His love–His perfection–His protection–His faithfulness–His promise–His mercy–His grace–His power! I lack in nothing, and I am completed in Him. This is a time of sweet closeness of His spirit with mine which always brings peace no matter what might come.

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