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Monday, May 19, 2014


I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3, NIV). “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17, NIV).
The idea that the you love me, Lord, with an everlasting love is beyond my human capability to conceive. But my heart longs to receive the freedom your love offers. You accept and love me in my weakness and feebleness. I can be who I am with you. There is just you and just me. There is no image I have to keep. There is no mask I have to hold in place. There is no agenda that has to be met. There is no perfection that I can maintain.
I know too well all my failures and my limitations....and how much they grieve your heart. You see beyond all those weaknesses, and love me still. You always see my potential, and never my failures. You know who you have created me to be. I try to change these failures, but I can't without you. Your Word reveals that I am a new creature in you because of the sacrifice you made for me. I yearn to catch your vision of the potential you see in my life.
Today I cry out to become that complete new creature.... to grasp that potential in your strength and power. I lay all my failures, temptations, limitations, struggles, heartaches, pain....all that has defined me...on your altar at this very moment. I can carry them no longer. They are way too heavy. Here they are, Lord. Just take them.
Suddenly you are with me. I breathe freedom from all that has been. In your amazing love and forgiveness, your heart is within me. I am free from my limited being, and filled to overflowing with the freedom of your promise. In this very moment.... in this very second... in you, Lord, I am no longer in bondage. I am free in you. I am free...... But oh Lord, now I must move forward into another moment. Now I must move by faith in you. I choose to carry your freedom throughout this day. I will not pick up what I have placed upon your altar. You paid too great a price for them....for me.

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