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Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Problem His Power

Problems which life throws my way are not mean to stop me. They are not even meant to slow me down. They are meant to give me determination to move forward with new intention. How many times have I given up when faced with an obstacle? God's power is available, but sometimes I feel too weak to move forward trusting God for His strength. His power is not a strong force to just summon in my time of need. His power is meant to to constant. If I have surrendered my need to Him, His power is there. No matter how weak I feel, when I allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through me, then I am powerful. He loves me, and His power in my life is His love in action.

Life is a race with problems that must be overcome. Whatever problem I face, I won't allow its hardship to stagnate or conquer me. I conquer the problem with His strength. God's power is found in moving forward in faith. When I move forward, He moves with me. I won't allow any difficulty to defeat me. I will make it work for me. With God's power, I discover success.

“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:1b-2a), NIV). I shall run life's race with commitment. Keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus, I won't allow anything to deter me from my goal. The Holy Spirit will carry me over hurdles, and give all the strength necessary to endure the race. Greater faith will be my reward. And when trials come, for they will, I will have God's strength to overcome each one. I will have His peace to carry me forward to another victory.

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