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Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I have a glimpse of joy today–
My heart at rest with peace.
I have a glimpse of hope today–
My soul's atoned new lease.
I have a glimpse of faith today–
My mind's strength to stand
Against the lies that rising say
I'll never be His man.

I have a glimpse of Him today–
And hear that is not true.
I have a glimpse of Him today–
And shown again I'm new.
I have a glimpse of Him today–
His Word my strength to stand
To know by faith and only say
I'll always be His man.

I have a glimpse of life today–
With all its trials and lures.
I have a glimpse of life today–
And told again I'm yours.
I have a glimpse of life today–
And say by faith I'll stand
Strongly grounded in His love
I'll always be His man.

I have a glimpse of more today
Than my mind can know.
I have a glimpse of more today
Than my heart can hold.
I have a glimpse of more today–
His promise which shall be
Peace forever more I say
Is what He has for me.

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