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Friday, July 10, 2020

Confident Hope

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

—Romans 15:13 (NLT)



God is not only the source of hope. He is the source of confident hope! Confident hope in the Holy Spirit fosters deep trust. Trusting in Jesus inspires joy and peace. When you overflow with confident hope through the power of His Spirit, you walk by faith and not by what you feel, see, or hear. The Holy Spirit opens your spiritual eyes and ears to the truth of God's Word. You see with God's vision and understand with the mind of Christ. You trust in His promises. Circumstances don't shake you. Peace is constant. And joy isn’t an emotion but the state of your mind.


Sounds amazing? Impossible? Oh no, it isn’t impossible at all. If the Word promises that God will fill you fully with joy and peace, then it is true. Do you trust God? God gave His Son so you could experience the healing of unconditional love. The Holy Spirit doesn’t play with your emotions. The enemy does that. When Jesus died for you, peace with God became real. There was nothing left to separate you from His love. The power of the enemy to control your emotions was defeated.


By faith, you choose for the Holy Spirit to capture each thought that is not of Christ. By faith, you allow the Holy Spirit to imprint His truth in your mind. By faith, you are changed in the spirit of your mind. With His soul-changing truth, you see and understand with God's heart. You are absolutely safe in His love. Jesus, your Savior, has taken care of everything. You don’t have to cry or beg for mercy! Mercy became yours at Calvary! New life became yours! Jesus saved and healed you. His grace has fulfilled your promise of joy and peace. 


You have His confident hope! Trust God and believe! Walk in it!



© Lynn Lacher

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