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Saturday, July 4, 2020

His Grace


But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain, but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

—1 Corinthians 15:10 NKJV



The grace of Jesus changed Paul! It was not in vain in his life! It was an abundant grace that inspired him to believe beyond his own abilities. He knew faith was God living in him by the grace of Jesus. He had been blind, but grace had opened his eyes to the incredible wonder of its promise.


God does everything by His grace. He does not love us for what we do. He loves us because of who He is. We see ourselves as unworthy. He sees us with the gift of His Son's life. Jesus paid the ultimate price to cover the debt of our sins.  His grace is the power that inspired Paul to know that through his own efforts he could achieve nothing. God alone empowered his life. 


Paul believed he was the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. Jesus had set him free from the blindness of sin, and He knew it in every cell of his being. He lived God’s power because grace had changed His perspective on every aspect of his life. Work was not labor. Work was incredible joy flowing through his life. Paul did not need to win God's love through what he did. He knew he was loved. Paul was not only empowered by the grace of Jesus. Grace had transformed his life.


So what is our response to the grace of Jesus? Do we understand that there is nothing we need to do to make God love us more?  Jesus loved us with His life. We love Him because He loved us with no restraint. His grace becomes more abundant in us when we exercise faith. Ask the woman who touched the hem of His garment. Ask the woman who washed His feet with her hair. And ask yourself if His grace has inspired greater faith in your life. 


If you live by what you feel or see, pray for a revelation of His grace to understand who He says you are. Forgiven. Clean. His grace is abundant in you when His Spirit continually renews your mind. You believe you are free of guilt and shame because He withheld nothing from you on Calvary. And when you this grasp this truth, you have nothing to withhold from Him.


“By the grace of God,” Paul said, “I am what I am.” When the grace of Jesus changes your perspective, you understand that it is only by His grace, you are free. Faith in God is your life, and joy is your promise. You know who you are. You are His.


©2020 Lynn Lacher

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