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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Tender Mercies

Let all that I am praise the Lord;

  may I never forget the good things he does for me.

He forgives all my sins

  and heals all my diseases.

He redeems me from death

  and crowns me with love and tender mercies.

—Psalm 103:2-4 (NLT)



With every breath I take, I praise you, Lord! I worship you with all that I am! I never forget the good things you have done for me. I praise you for what you are doing at this moment and what you do next! Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving all the sin in my life and healing every sickness that has come against me. You have redeemed me from death! You honor me with your love and bless me with your tender mercies.


Your mercy is full of truth and grace. Your voice speaks healing to my body and peace to my mind. If I did not have you, hardships would destroy me. You carry me through each one with faith that grows stronger every time I believe. You are my strength to stand firmly and my victory over any loss. I lose nothing in you, Jesus. I gain everything in your perfect love for me. I receive your eyes to see your promise and your ears to receive your truth and understanding that, without you, my mind could not grasp.


I praise you for enclosing me in your tender mercies, Lord, to experience the fullness of your grace. Your Hand upon my life continually delights me. Nothing has lasting value except you and your tender mercies, Lord. I find these in the love of my husband and children and family and friends. I hear your compassion in their words and sense your love in their prayers. I experience your kindness in the thoughtful things they do, and I receive your devotion through their tenderness of heart.


Jesus, you heard my cry for mercy on the Cross, and, without hesitation, you offered your life to give it to me. Your faithful love never ends, Lord! Your forgiveness and your tender mercies never cease!  They are fresh and new every morning, speaking your peace, which overcomes the world. They remind me of who I am in you and that nothing can steal my joy. Your forgiveness never stops imparting life.


I praise you for giving me the power to speak truth into my life, Lord—truth that you impart through your Word! Thank you, Holy Spirit, for revealing spiritual truth! And your truth always encourages and speaks your great love into my mind and heart. Please continually open my eyes to recognize the tender mercies that your tender mercy on Calvary has given me.


I shall never forget, Jesus, that your love paid the highest cost for my life. May I always be full of your peace and your joy! I rejoice in you—and again, I rejoice!  You are coming one day soon. Your tender mercy guards my heart until then.


©2020 Lynn Lacher

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