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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Not My Endurance



Until yesterday I hadn't counted the weeks that I've been home healing. When I did, the number astounded me—fifteen weeks since my first hospital visit. I wondered how much longer would this recuperation continue. A feeling of discouragement washed over me, and suddenly I was upset that I was missing out on life. My attitude, which had been mostly positive, took a hit. Thankfully, I realized right away what my problem was. Instead of keeping my thoughts on how far God had brought me and holding onto the healing I believed He had promised, my thoughts became fixed on what I had endured.  


“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you” (Isaiah 26:3, NLT).


My life is not about what I endure but what He suffered for me. I have His peace when I trust Him. If I think about what He has already done, I am encouraged. When I hold tightly, without wavering, to the hope of healing God has given me, I trust Him to keep His promise. Where I allow my thoughts to wander is critical. To experience His peace, I take any negative thought captive and choose not to dwell on it. I decide to focus on what I know God has revealed to be true. The expectation of my promise fills me with greater faith to trust Him. Trust fosters joy to believe in what I haven’t yet seen.


“We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need,” Paul wrote. “May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father” (Colossians 1:11-12a, NLT).


When I don't allow God to be involved in what I'm going through, I focus on what I'm enduring and not what Christ endured for me. Never should I make what I'm going through more critical than His love that rescued me! When Jesus is the most significant part of my life, He strengthens me with His power and gives me all the endurance and patience I need. He becomes my ability to persevere. He becomes the patience that I lack. Giving thanks and praising Him fills me with joy! I believe in His truth of healing. I rest in His grace.


Do you endure, or are you praising God for His endurance that rescued you?  No one needs to be stuck, never experiencing the healing miracle of His grace! Jesus endured the cross so we might live. Let's live.


©2020 Lynn Lacher




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